Modulizer is a game made by myself and two others for the Ludum Dare 45 game jam. The theme for this game jam was “Start with nothing”. This gave us the idea to create a roguelike style game as this would fit in with the theme precisely as the player would start with nothing. We also wanted to make the game somewhat unique so we decided to give the player modules that they could attach to their body, these modules could provide a weapon, increased damage or increased health. We also limited the players upgrade potential by only allowing the player to equip four upgrades, one for each side of the players body. This gave the game some balance however if the game was continued it would have been a good idea to add extension modules that other modules could attach to.
For this game I was mainly tasked with creating and implementing audio. As this was one of the first games that I worked on I was limited in the amount that I was able to do however, I believe I managed to learn a lot about game development from working on this game.