This was a group game made for my universities “Technical Games Production” module. For this project we were tasked with designing and creating a game using methods of our choosing. We very quickly decided on creating an RPG with inspirations from TES:V Skyrim using Unity.
My main role on this project was creating enemies. This meant finding models, adding animations to the models and creating the AI to get the enemies to work. Finding and animating the models was very easy as we could use the Unity asset store and Mixamo to easily get models and animations. For the AI I decided to create a very simple behaviour tree style system. The system worked by creating tasks and using them in a script. These tasks accessed variables by using a blackboard, the blackboard stored a number of dictionaries with strings as the keys and the actual value as the value. This made it easy to get any necessary data as each task can have access to the base blackboard class and get values from the specific blackboard that it needs data from. This system wasn’t perfect, there were no visual controls to create and edit the behaviour trees which makes it somewhat difficult to use, however, for this project it worked very well and did exactly what we needed it to.
During the development of this project, we had some difficulties with the team, one of our team members left around halfway through the project which meant we had some incomplete systems that we weren’t completely familiar with. This wasn’t a big issue as the systems were easy to understand and made reasonably well. As well as this, a few members of the group were somewhat lazy when working on the project and didn’t manage to get a lot done. This affected the development of the project a decent amount as we didn’t get some of the systems that we needed working until relatively late in the project however, in the end, we managed to get the project to a good state with a good number of features working properly.
Overall, the project was a good success as it taught me a lot about working in teams and the difficulties that can come with it.